46 Bazar / Chinese Mythology /

Chinese Myth: Wugang Cutting the Laurel

Wugang (Chinese name: 吴刚, Pinyin: Wú Gāng) of Xihe is a woodcutter, he was obsessed with Xianshu (仙术, pinyin: xiān shù, Practices for mortals to become immortals, ancient Chinese believed that ordinary people could become immortals through rigorous practices.) and always wanted to become an immortal despite the fact that he was way too lazy to do anything to achieve it. Tiandi (Supreme God, Chinese name: 天帝, Pinyin: tiān dì) heard about Wugang and was irritated by the woodcutter's laziness, the mighty god decided to teach Wugang a lesson by imprisoning him on the deserted moon.

Tiandi told Wugang his only way to leave the moon was cutting down a laurel, the sole tree on moon. Wugang wanted to leave the moon so badly, with no delay he picked up his axe and started cutting the laurel. However that is not an ordinary tree, it has ability to heal itself, every cuts made by Wugang would recover as soon as he pulled off his axe. The laurel will never go down and Wugang will never gain his freedom.

Wugang knew no way he would cut down the tree but he could only keep on trying.


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